
TESOL France Jobs List

If you become a member of TESOL France, you are automatically added to the TESOL France Jobs List - a weekly emailing of job offers we receive.

If you would like to submit a job offer, please contact us here and select "Jobs List" in the contact form menu. Submitting a job ad is free of charge, however we do not support job ads that ask for "native speaker only". Job ads are collected and sent to members on a weekly basis.

If you would like to send us a job ad, please include the following information:
  • Name of the employer
  • Dates and hours
  • Hourly rate (including for contractual and self-employed trainers)
  • Location(s)
  • Conditions (e.g. up-to-date work visas for France)
  • Any other special requirements*. 
  • Contact information

*Again, we don't support ads that ask for "native speakers only". Thank you for your understanding.

Position Statement Opposing Discrimination
TESOL is opposed to discrimination that affects the employment and professional lives of the TESOL members (TESOL Forward Plan, revised 1999) on the grounds of race, ethnicity, nationality, language background (e.g. we don't support ads that ask for native speakers only), disability, health/medical condition, including HIV/AIDS, age, religion, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation.


News Flash! TESOL France Receives International Praise! 

On April 14th, at the IATEFL Conference (International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) in Birmingham TESOL France received praise from the Plenary Speaker, Silvana Richardson, during her session "The ‘native factor’, the haves and the have-nots". TESOL France was praised for our Position Statement Opposing Discrimination on our Jobs List for members. We go to great lengths to encourage and convince employers to remove discriminatory requirements in their job announcements, particularly those asking for native speakers only. We would like to thank Silvana, IATEFL and TESOL International for their kind support of TESOL France on this very important initiative.

If you would like to watch the recording of Silvana's plenary session, it, as well as about a hundred other recorded talks will be made available here.

For more information on Equal Opportunity Initiatives, we encourage you to visit the website run by our good friend, Marek Kiczkowiak.


Finding a Job in France

Meccas for job-hunters include the American Church in Paris which even offers career forums for job-seekers and the American Cathedral in Paris. Both have notice boards crammed with employment opportunities, courses and housing listings.

Most expatriate meeting places in Paris distribute the free bilingual newsletter France-USA Contacts that comes out every other Wednesday. Its classified ads are best followed up on the day the paper appears. It is also a good place to put your own "Work wanted"? ad.

Once you get some experience under your belt, you will often get more work through word of mouth.


Useful Job Listings Websites


23 rue Nollet - 75017 PARIS
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