Colloquium 2012

The 31st Annual Colloquium

with G. Diaz Maggioli, T. Farrell
and C. Suan Chong

November 16-18, 2012
Télécom ParisTech, 46 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris, France


Schedule and Program

Documents to download - Click on the document to access, print or download its content.
Printed Program Complete Program Preliminary Schedule

The Printed Program is the document given to the delegates on the day. The Complete Program includes useful information such as directions to the venue from the various airports and train stations; a map of the area around the venue, useful addresses and restaurants in the area, and speaker and poster presenter bios.

Preliminary Conference Times

Friday 16 November 17:00 to 18.00 Opening Plenary
  18:15 to 19.15     5 Conference Talks
  19.15 to 20.15 Cocktail dînatoire, Poster session & Visiting stands
Saturday 17 November 10.00 to 18.30 30+ Conference Talks and 1 Plenary Session
  18.30 to 19.30 Reception, Poster session, Visiting stands
  19:30 to 21.30 Open Mic Night - Talent Show! Music, songs, stand up comedy, and more!
Sunday 18 November 10:30 to 15:00 20+ Conference Talks, 1 Closing Plenary and a Prize Draw including Best Poster Announcement

Plenary Speakers' Bio and Abstract


Gabriel Diaz Maggioli

Change is Good: You go first!

In this presentation we will explore how teachers can be empowered through change to become true educational leaders. In a profession characterized by ever-present innovation, how can teachers remain sane, grounded and focused on student's learning? We will explore ten lessons I have learned over the course of my career from peers, mentors and experts which have helped me constantly rediscover my passion for teaching.

Gabriel Diaz Maggioli is a teacher who applies the lessons learnt in the classroom to his work as teacher educator, materials writer and educational administrator. He currently directs the MATESOL program at The New School University in New York.


Thomas S.C. Farrell -- Plenary session sponsored by TESOL France

Reflecting on Reflective Practice

These days, 'reflection' and 'reflective practice' are very popular terms used in language teacher education and development programs. Many educators agree that some form of reflection is a desirable; however, the agreement stops there because there is still almost no consensus as to what reflective practice is. Perhaps this state of indecisiveness about what reflective practice in education means that it is time to return to the work of two influential scholars who brought this concept to prominence at different times when it was important: John Dewey and Donald Schön. In this interactive talk I look at the roots of reflective inquiry from Dewey's (1933) original perspective and then look at how Donald Schön (1983, 1987) interpreted Dewey's conceptions of reflection in his work. I will then try to connect these interpretations of reflective practice to its meaning for teachers today and how teachers can reflect on their beliefs and classroom practices.

Thomas S.C. Farrell is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Brock University, Canada. His professional interests include Reflective Practice, and Language Teacher Education and Development. His recent books include Teaching Practice: A Reflective Approach: New York: Cambridge University Press (2011, with Jack Richards). In 2012 his book Reflective Writing for Language Teachers will appear (Equinox, UK).


Chia Suan Chong -- Plenary session sponsored by TESOL France

(Mis)-Applied Linguistics

Since the late 1960s, we've seen a move away from grammar towards communicative competence, the emphasis on the role of interaction in language acquisition, and the drawbacks of pre-determining the linguistic content of a lesson. We claim that we've moved into a communicative era of language teaching, but how far are we really from the grammar syllabi of the 1950s? Are we doing much more than paying lip service to the Communicative Approach when all we really want to see is the past continuous 'covered' once the past simple is 'dealt with'? Do we claim that we know that language learning isn't linear, but secretly wonder why our students still get the present perfect wrong after we spent 3 hours on it last week? Are the theories of Applied Linguistics really being applied?

Chia Suan Chong is a General and Business English teacher at International House London, where she also runs teacher training courses such as the CELTA and Cert IBET. Building on research conducted during and following her MA in Applied Liguistics (King's College London) she is a regular conference presenter on English as a Lingua Franca, Dogme, Systemic Functional Grammar, and Intercultural Pragmatics. She is passionate about languages - she currently speaks 5 and is working on the next - and blogs regularly at

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