Membership Registration

Welcome to the registration page Please read the FAQS for more info. Your membership is valid 12 months from receipt of your payment.
Membership type
Institutional Membership: you must have a minumum of 5 members from the same institution.
People living out of Spain are required to register as a member AND to the convention in the same process. They will be requested to pay their total fee onsite at the convention. They will not be entitled to national members' benefits.
Have you been a member of Tesol France in the past?
Membership verification Please use the Members access block in the sidebar to renew your membership EVEN IF IT EXPIRED.
If you forgot your password, please use the "recover your password" function in that same block.
Membership information

Profile details

Job type:


Your member profile will be permanently deleted 3 years post expiration.

Membership details

Proof of status:
Only PDF and JPEG files are allowed, 5Mb max
A proof of your status is required to qualify for the reduced rate.
You must include a photocopy of your proof of status with this registration, in PDF or JPEG format only. If not, your membership form cannot be submitted. Your proof of status will be verified upon receipt, and your membership will then be confirmed.

Proof of status means:
Students: A student card clearly showing current student status (double sided).
For the unemployed: A certificate or statement from the French Pôle-Emploi unemployment office.
Retired: A photocopy of your ID card proving you are over 65 years old OR a photocopy of your pension statement.

You are welcome to pay for membership by check or cash at any in-person TESOL France event (national or regional).


You’ll be able to complete this info at any time, by connecting to your private account (using the login block, top left).
Please separate addresses with commas.



Total to pay: 0,00

Online payment: ADVISED! Secured and fast.

If you are registering for the Colloquium at the same time as your membership, please check the important registration details and deadlines here

Cheque: Please send your cheque by post to 23 rue Nollet, 75017 Paris, with proof of status (if applicable). You can also email us for instructions about how to post a cheque in extremis (write to our Treasurer through here).
Wire transfer: Follow directions for a bank wire transfer. Your payment must be made within 30 days or your request will be cancelled.
Please note that your membership is valid for 12 months from receipt of your payment or expiration date. In the case of the latter, another 12 months will be added to the end date of your current membership cycle.

23 rue Nollet - 75017 PARIS
See map - Email us
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