National events

TESOL France Annual Colloquium 2019
29 November - 1 December 2019


Go to the Colloquium page for more details. 


TESOL France Spring Day 2019
18 May 2019

There’s lot of talk about Gen X, Y, Z and Alpha, but what exactly does that mean for English language teaching? Spring Day 2019 will look at themes related to learning for the new generations, with a focus on practical activities.

TESOL France Annual Colloquium 2018
16-18 November 2018

TESOL France Spring Day 2018
9 June 2018

It was a great success. Thank you to all of those that attended and made it such a wonderful experience! 
TESOL France Spring Day 2018 will be held in Paris on June 9th!
Not sure what to expect? Watch the event teaser put together by one of the planners, TESOL France Lille Regional Coordinator, Jeremy Levin!







TESOL France Spring Day 2017 in Toulouse

Teaching the Mosaic: Inclusive practice and Special Learning Differences (SpLDs)

Date: Saturday, 20th May 2017
Time: 9.00am - 5.30pm
Venue: Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile
Address: 7 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31000 Toulouse
Map: For directions click here

Online registration is available here.

Deadline for registration is Wednesday, 10th May. We will not be able to accept your registration after this date.

****Please note that due to the security restrictions at this government venue, unregistered delegates will not be admitted on the day

Opening plenary:
Judit Kormos
Professor in Second Language Acquisition, Lancaster University

Other speakers: 
Alison Heal
English and dyslexia teacher in Lyon

Gerard McLoughlin
EFL Teacher Trainer and writer

Rachael Harris
IPSEN (Inclusive practice and special educational needs) SIG newsletter editor (IATEFL), Co-Coordinator ETAS, Geneva region

Closing plenary:
Yves Henri Robillard
Co-founder of the New World Lyceum, Alternative Education


Free for TESOL France members. Non members registration fee is €30. 
**** Book your housing EARLY! This weekend coincides with the Airexpo 2017.



TESOL France's 2015 Speaker Tour

TESOL France has invited Annie McDonald to give workshops in our regions! Save the dates and get in touch with our regional coordinators for more information.

Lille, Saturday 12 September                             Bordeaux, Tuesday 22 September
Strasbourg,Tuesday 15 September                   Nantes, Thursday 24 September
Grenoble, Wednesday, 16 September               Paris, Saturday 26 September

TESOL France Spring Day 2015 in Lyon
From Screen to Stage. Innovation and creativity in language learning.

Click here to view the full version of Russell Stannard's talk in Lyon.

Saturday, May 30th, 2015  |  9am-6pm
Venue in Lyon:
IDRAC Business School, 45-47 rue Sergent Michel Berthet, 69009 Lyon

Invited Speakers:
Russell Stannard, Educational Director,
Eugene Schäfer, PDL language trainer and teacher trainer, Germany

This event is FREE for TESOL France Members. Non-member registration fee: €30. Please bring exact change.

Further information:
Spring Day this year is planned around the theme of creative ways of teaching with two main focus areas: one is using technology tools in a creative way, presented by Russell Stannard, the other one is using the human element to foster learners’ creativity with language, presented by Eugene Schäfer.

Russell Stannard
Technology that can really impact on our teaching and learning.
In the first part, Russell Stannard, founder of, winner of the British Council ELTons award in technology in 2010, will talk about what what technologies are really impacting on our teaching and learning? Russell will present some of the key technologies that we can use to extend, blend and differentiate your learning.

In the second part, in a workshop format, Russell will cover some of the key tools presented in the talk. This will be your chance to do some hands on work with key technologies that can help with collaboration, with developing student's speaking skills and with assessment and feedback.

You can use an iPad in the session but much better if you bring your laptop as you will need to input information using a keyboard.

Russell Stannard is the founder of The website has won Russell 3 major educational awards from the Times Higher, The British Council ELTONs and the University of Westminster. It offers free step by step videos to help teachers incorporate technology into their teaching. It receives more than 300,000 visits a year. Russell’s interest in technology has focused on feedback, developing student’s fluency, assessment, the Flipped Classroom and reflection. His feedback ideas generated widespread media interest including an appearance on the TV and inclusion in a report submitted to the UK government. Russell is truly an international speaker, having presented in 26 countries around the world. He works part-time at the University of Warwick and as a NILE (Norwich Institute of Language Education) associate trainer. He writes regular columns in the English Teaching Professional and the Teacher Trainer.

Eugene Schäfer
All the World's a Role Play: Learner-Generated Role Plays Requiring Minimal Preparation
Dare we help learners to say what they want to say rather than what we, as teachers want to hear?

After a short theoretical introduction into PDL, which stands for Psychodramaturgy for Language Acquisition, originally called “Psychodramaturgie Linguistique”, a method developed by Bernard and Marie Dufeu, combining psychodrama and dramaturgy and adapting them to the needs of language learning, in this hands-on workshop we will try out role plays and activities taken from the PDL method designed to maximize learner input while requiring a minimal degree of preparation, but a high degree of flexibility and spontaneity on the part of the teacher.

While originally from the US, Eugene Schäfer, has been living and working in Germany for more than 40 years. Twenty-five of those years were dedicated to teaching English as a foreign language, specializing in intensive courses for adults. He first trained in PDL (Psychodramaturgy for Language Acquisition) in 2004, later training as a PDL teacher trainer with Bernard and Marie Dufeu, the founders of the method. He was a founding member of the International PDL Association and served as its first treasurer. He retired from teaching last year and is enjoying having time for taking life at a more leisurely pace.
« La participation à des conférences, congrès, associations professionnelles est désormais reconnue comme une source de formation »


Speaker Tour 2014

TESOL France organised its first nationwide Speaker Tour in September with Jonathan Marks, pronunciation specialist and book author, giving workshops at each of TESOL France’s regional branches.
At each stage of the tour, attendees had the opportunity to participate in pronunciation workshops animated by Jonathan Marks. The tour began on the 10th September in Strasbourg, and continued in Grenoble and Lyon on the 13th September, Toulouse on the 16th September, Bordeaux on the 17th, Nantes on the 20th and the tour ended in Paris on the 23rd of September.
During hands-on workshops lasting 2 hours, Jonathan Marks addressed some of the questions and doubts about pronunciation teaching commonly raised by teachers.  Participants were able to try out practical activities designed to help learners tame and train their mouthful of air to produce the desired sounds and links with lexis, grammar and grammatical functions were also considered.
Jonathan Marks
Jonathan Marks was born in Leeds, United Kingdom, and he currently lives in Poland.  His keen interest in teaching English pronunciation began during his time as teacher and teacher trainer at International House, Hastings, in the 1980s and his association with IATEFL.  He is the author of English Pronunciation in Use - Elementary (CUP 2007) and the co-author of The Book of Pronunciation (Delta Publishing 2012).  He is a regular contributor to the Macmillan Dictionary Blog and he has written numerous articles, teaching materials, reviews and language awareness essays for various online publications.


TESOL France Spring Day - 2014

We would like to thank everyone who attended our Spring Day event, which took place on Saturday May 17th, at Télécom ParisTech. We enjoyed a fabulous day with a variety of presentations and workshops related to inspiring the teaching and learning of Young Learners and Teens.


2012 IATEFL BESIG Summer Symposium in association with TESOL France

June 16th 2012. 9:00 - 19:30
Télécom ParisTech
Paid up TESOL France members can attend at the reduced £55 rate. Walk ins are welcome.
Plenary Speaker: David Crystal plus over 20 other Business English speakers
Further information on BESIG's website


The Spring Day in Strasbourg

Saturday April 21st 2012, 9:00am to 5:30pm
Pole Formation CCI, Strasbourg
234 Avenue de Colmar 67100 Strasbourg, France

Further information:

This conference includes seminars on:
  • Collaborative Writing
  • English360 and Technology
  • Podcasts
  • Bringing Culture into the Classroom
  • Practical Classroom Ideas
  • Selling Yourself in ELT

8:30 - 9:00
Registration and Coffee
9:00 - 9:30
Opening Announcements and Introduction to TESOL France
9:30 - 11:00
Collaborative Writing
Karen Einstein
Tech NO overload
Valentina Dodge
11:15 - 12:45
Laughter - The Best Medicine in the ESL Classroom
Marianne Raynaud
Language Learning with Internet-based Projects
Stephanie Williams
12:45 - 13:35
13:45 - 15:15
Chuck the Book! Learner-generated role plays
Eugene Schaefer
Practical Everyday English - Book series on phrasal verbs and advanced vocabulary by author Steven Collins
Steven Collins
15:30 - 17:00
Bringing Culture into the Classroom
Debbie West
Selling Yourself in ELT
Mike Hogan


Spring Day on Professional Development

June 18th, 2011 9am-7pm
Télécom ParisTech
Plenary Speaker: Ken Wilson

Further Information:

This conference includes seminars on:
  • Professional development and the decisions of today's teachers
  • Motivating young learners
  • Motivating students with role plays
  • Marketing yourself
  • Teacher CVs
  • Continuing education options for teachers
  • Boosting your salary
  • The state of ELT in France
8:30 - 9:15
Registration and Coffee
9:15 - 10:30
The state of play of the French language Training Market
Andrew Wickham
Step by Step Selling and Marketing for Dummies (and Smarties) for Auto-entrepreneurs and Travailleurs Independents
Curtis Bartosik
10:45 - 12:00
Don't Just Work... Work on your EFL Career!
Carol Bausor
Thinking Critically About Teaching and Research
Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes
Getting your CV Right!
Erin Douglas
12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:45
Plenary: Ten ways to get your students to DO something
Ken Wilson
14:45 - 15:15
Coffee break
15:15 - 16:30
10 Ways to Earn More Money as a Language Trainer
Claire Oldmeadow
Step by Step Selling and Marketing for Dummies (and Smarties) for Auto-entrepreneurs and Travailleurs Independents
Curtis Bartosik
Letting Go of the Classroom - from Role Play to Improvisation
Damian Corcoran
16:45 - 18:00
The state of play of the French language Training Market
Andrew Whickham
Motivating Young Learners
Dede Wilson
Don't Just Work...Work on your EFL Career!
Carol Bausor
18:15 - 19:00
Q&A Session with the Speakers


TESOL France - Cambridge University Press present: Putting Communication First in Medical EnglishPutting Communication First in Medical English

May 21st, 2011 2pm-6pm
Télécom ParisTech

Further Information:

Led by: Ros Wright, co-author of Good Practice
Guest speaker: Virginia Allum co-author of Cambridge English for Nursing
Cambridge University Press: Terry Elliot

Medical English 'Debunked' (Ros Wright, with Virginia Allum)
Cambridge University Press Presentation
Coffee break and visiting the Cambridge University Press stand
Medical English 'in Action'
Ros Wright
Teaching Low Level (Pre-Int) and Multi-level English for Nursing Groups
Virginia Allum
Wrap-up session / Q&A

14:00-15:00: Medical English 'Debunked' (Ros Wright, with Virginia Allum)

Emphasis placed on the therapeutic nature of medicine means our learners, more than others, have a very real need to communicate effectively from day one. Theorists from the field of medical communications highlight the need for comprehensible pronunciation, active listening skills, non-verbal communication and the ability to bridge professional and lay language. Many ELT trainers 'fear' or at best are wary of the Medical English classroom and its occupants: concerns about inadequate knowledge of medicine, grappling with terminology and generally feeling 'unsure' of their role and the benefits such a collaboration might bring. But what of the reality? Just what is entailed in training professionals from the field of medicine? The relationship between medical professional and patient is not dissimilar from that created in the ELT classroom. Developing and maintaining rapport in a 'safe' environment, eliciting information, promoting a patient-centred interview, including the patient in the decision-making process, managing communication breakdown, interpreting body language as well as understanding cultural background and its possible impact on the patient's ability to communicate effectively, are all part and parcel of daily interaction in a medical context. The presenters will give an overview of teaching medical communications in English and hopefully debunk a few of the myths.

15:30-16:00: Cambridge University Press Presentation

Terry Elliott will take you for a short 30 minute tour of the Cambridge University Press resources in both paper and on-line form.

16:30-17:30 (Room B310): Medical English 'in Action' (Ros Wright)

The perceptive 19th-century physician William Osler believed medical students learned best by doing and that medicine is learnt by the bedside not in the classroom. One way to replicate the 'bedside' is by using video. Through exposure to authentic scenarios of patient interactions, learners experience examples of authentic language in an authentic setting. Being able to visualize a practicing clinician in real time broaching a sensitive issue in a manner that avoids offence and remains non-judgmental is essential if the learner is to develop the skills necessary to benefit the patient. This workshop will look at how video can be used to meet the real needs of medical professionals; illustrating how the medium enables trainers to highlight and develop understanding of all the elements of communication as well as their implications for effective doctor-patient interactions in English.

16:30-17:30 (Room E200): Teaching Low Level (Pre-Int) and Multi-level English for Nursing Groups (Virginia Allum)

English for Nursing serves several purposes. Increasingly, Nursing is seen as a global profession with procedures and practice becoming more standardized. As Nursing 'training' is no longer hospital-based but more likely to be delivered at degree level in universities, there is a greater need for Nursing Research and the sharing of data amongst practitioners. Accurate verbal and written communication skills are essential at ward level to ensure safe practice. Specialised English is often needed for Nursing Research which is becoming of greater importance as we head into challenging health times. This workshop will look at the levels of English language required by nurses working in a healthcare setting such as a hospital, Care Home or Community Centre. We will look at ways to tackle medical terminology and develop dialogue templates for the most common nursing practices. Templates for activities such as handovers can be modified for students with higher language skills. Other avenues for extension will be presented to assist students who are more confident speakers.

Speaker Bios
Virginia Allum, co-author of Cambridge English for Nursing (Cambridge University Press) currently works as a staff nurse in a Ramsay Health UK hospital in Devon. After obtaining her TESOL Certificate, she taught English for Nursing at vocational training institutions in Queensland, Australia and was nurse facilitator on the diploma course.
Terry Elliott, Senior ELT Advisor, Cambridge University Press, taught adults for a number of years in Paris and worked as an ELT Consultant for a bookshop before joining the French team of Cambridge University Press in 1999.

Ros Wright, the Past President of TESOL France, specialises in English for medical purposes, and has been training medical professionals in Paris since 1998. She is co-author of Professional English in Use: Management (Cambridge University Press, 2011) and is currently writing a 2-level course for nurses. Ros is also co-author of English for Medicine (Garnet Education, 2010) as well as Good Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2008), short-listed for the British Council ELTons Award for Innovation (2008) and inaugural winner of the IATEFL BESIG David Riley Award for Innovation.


TESOL France Strasbourg Spring Conference

March 5th, 2011 9:00 - 5:00pm
Pole Formation CCI, Strasbourg

Further Information:

Conference Program:
8:45 and throughout the event
In main amphitheater
9:30 to 10:15
Introductory Session: Meet the guest speakers
10:30 to 11:15
Bob Dignen (York Associates)
Communicating Internationally in English
11:15 to 11:40
Coffee Break
11:40 to 12:40
Terry Elliott (Cambridge University Press)
Teaching, and Learning, Grammar: yesterday, today and tomorrow
12:40 to 1:30
1:30 to 2:30
James Chamberlain
Tools for Training Intercultural Communication
2:30 to 3:15
Margaret Horrigan (In main Amphitheater)
DELTA: an answer to the why's and wherefore's of teacher education
Rob Simmons (In Room 37)
Using new media in the classroom
3:15 to 3:45
Coffee break
3:45 to 4:30
Francis Castillo (In Amphitheater)
To Be an Auto-entrepreneur or Not To Be.
Elizabeth Hoffman(In Room 37)
Situation Zero Revisited
4:30 to 5:15
Wrap-up Session


Spring Event in association with the IATEFL ELT Management and Leadership SIG

May 29th 2010 - 9am - 8pm
Télécom ParisTech

Further Information:

TESOL France, in association with the ELT Leadership & Management SIG, is pleased to present The Spring Day on Managing Students, Teachers and Yourself.

This Spring Day will include seminars on:
  • Managing your own career
  • Boosting your salary
  • Observing fellow teachers
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Developing Tech-Savvy ESL/EFL Teachers
  • Empowering ELT Teachers Through the Arts
  • Classical and emerging themes in leadership and management thinking
  • The International Diploma in Language Teaching Management (IDLTM)
  • Plus: A round table discussion on Classroom Management: The challenges teachers face today
9:00 - 9:30
(Telecom ParisTech lobby)
9:30 - 10:50
Enhancing Academic Quality through Teacher Observations
Fiona Dunlop - Room: Estaunie
Developing Tech-Savvy ESL/EFL Teachers: A Practical Workshop
Catherine Jolivet-Buon - Room: B312
Empowering ELT Teachers: Teaching and Learning through the Arts
Maher Bahloul - Room: B310
11:00 - 11:15
Special Employment Opportunities Announcement
Sénateur Salah Derradji
Room Estaunie
11:15 - 12:30
Professional Development for Leaders, Managers and Teachers
George Pickering - Room Estaunie
12:30 - 14:00
There are several restaurants and sandwich shops near the venue
14:00 - 15:30
Classical and Emerging Themes in Leadership and Management Thinking
Arthur McKeown - Room: Estaunie
Managing Your Own Career: A Forum Session
Ian Bell - Room B312
Does my Bum Look Big in This? How Feedback Changes Everything
Duncan Foord - Room B310
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee and visiting Attica's book stand
16:00 - 17:20
L'impact des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication sur la qualité de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage des langues
Sénateur Salah Derradji - Room: Estaunie
Give Yourself a Pay Rise! How to Multiply your EFL Salary by 10
Carol Bausor - Room: B312
Walk Slow: An Overview to ELT Management and the International Diploma in Language Teaching Management (IDLTM)
Roger Hunt - Room: B310
17:30 - 18:45
Round Table Discussion: The Challenges Teachers Face Today
Room: Estaunie
Reception - Room E200


TESOL France June Day - Professional Development

June 20th 2009
Télécom ParisTech
Plenary Speaker: Jeremy Harmer

Further information:

This June Day will include seminars on:
  • Professional development and the decisions of today's teachers
  • Observing fellow teachers
  • Going independent, portages and the new auto-entrepreneur
  • Web 2.0 for teaching professionals
  • Teacher management and training
  • The Certificate in International Business English Training (Cert IBET)
  • The state of ELT in France
9:00 - 9:30
(Telecom ParisTech lobby)
9:30 - 10:50
Going Independent, Portages and the New Auto-entrepreneur
Bethany Cagnol (Vice-president, TESOL France) and Claire Oldmeadow (Director, The Language Network) - Room: Estaunie
Bridging the Business English Trainers' Skills Gap
Mark Rendell (English UK) - Room: E200
11:00 - 12:30
Watching Teachers Watch Themselves
Plenary with Jeremy Harmer (Pearson Longman) - Room Estaunie
12:30 - 14:00
There are plenty of restaurants and sandwich shops near the venue
14:00 - 15:30
Activities for Teacher Development in 5 Circles
Duncan Foord (Oxford Tefl)
Room: Estaunie
Modern Technology in Teaching Business English and Free Software Tools to Enhance your Teaching
Jarosław Kawałek and Laurence Whiteside - Room E200
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee and visiting Novagora's book stand
16:00 - 17:20
The French Language Training Market in the Context of Globalization
Andrew Wickham (Linguaid) - Room: Estaunie
17:30 - 18:45
Round Table Discussion: Staying Afloat: The challenges English language teachers face today and tomorrow - Room: Estaunie
Refreshments and visiting Novagora's book stand - Room E200

Panel Discussion:

Andrew Wickham, a consultant at Linguaid, will also lead an informative round table discussion on Staying Afloat: The challenges English language teachers face today and tomorrow.

The panel members include:
  • Jeremy Harmer,
  • John Hession,
  • Bethany Cagnol,
  • The Language Network,
  • Teacher training representatives.


TESOL France Spring Day - BEST of BESIG 2

June 7, 2008
Télécom ParisTech
Joint event with IATEFL BESIG

Further Information:

Download complete Best of BESIG 2 Program (includes speakers' abstracts and bios)

Following the success of the Best of BESIG 2006 in Paris, TESOL France and IATEFL BESIG came together for a second time.

Best of BESIG 2 included:
  • Teaching tips for teachers of Business English,
  • Relationships between Professional English and other disciplines,
  • English for Professionals and the use of technology,
  • New materials, but more importantly, innovative ways on how teachers can use them,
  • Discussions on the trends, evolution and future directions of Business English.


9:00 - 9:30
Registration and bookshop open

9:30 - 10:30
Plenary session by Andy Hewitson

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break and visiting bookshop

11:00 - 12:00
Anna Cowper (Macmillan) Have You Got What it Takes to Get Published?
Maurice Claypole (LinguaServe) Translation in the Business English Classroom
Sab Will (TESOL France) Internet in the Classroom

12:00 - 13:30
Lunch with coffee

13:30 - 14:30
Adrian Tennant (IATEFL) Method or Madness?
Vanessa Street (Université du Littoral) Transferable Skills: From private business language training to public university education
Ann Claypole (LinguaServe) Teaching Business English in a Virtual World

14:30 - 14:45
Short break and visiting bookshop

14:45 - 15:45
Ian Bell (TESOL France) Teaching Trends: What and how should we be teaching?
Bob Dignen (York Associates) Intercultural Competence - leveraging the world's diversity
Eric Baber (Cambridge University Press) Move Along, Now: From Web 1.0 to 2.0 - and back again?

15:45 - 16:15
Coffee break and visiting bookshop

16:15 - 17:15
Stephen Ferron (IATEFL BESIG) Life After Business English
Duncan Baker (Lydbury English Centre Ltd.) Negotiating in English
Anthony Green (Bari University, Italy) Business English Listening and Reading Skills - let's separate them

17:15 - 17:30
Short break

17:30 - 18:30
Pecha kucha

18:30  - 20h00
Cocktail and making dinner plans


The Great Debate

Is the current concours system (CAPES and Agrégation) the best method for selecting and preparing future English teachers in France?

March 29th, 2008
In association with RANACLES, APLIUT and SAES.

Contributors include: Alain Cazade, Dennis Davy, Marie-Annick Mattioli, and Laurel Zuckerman In addition, Vera Dickman's informative presentation on "How are teachers trained for today's French National Education system?" is also available for download. Click here to download.
Télécom ParisTech

Further information:

This event took the form more of a bilingual French-English round table followed by interventions from guest speakers from the floor and ended with a question and answer session.

The event had two main objectives:
  • To facilitate an exchange between different groups of interested parties, representing different points of view on the concours system;
  • To inform the public and to allow the audience to make a better informed judgement.

The event was held in both French and English. Participants were able to speak in the language of their choice.The Panel members included representatives of the education industry in France including:
  • Nigel Quayle -- member of the agrégation externe jury
  • Pierre Coatrieux -- who prepared the agrégation at Paris IV and went on to work in business, using English on a regular basis in a business context thus representing an employer's point of view
  • Marie-Annick Mattioli -- the president of APLIUT
  • Laurel Zuckerman -- the author of the recent "Sorbonne Confidential".
  • Alain Cazade -- the president of RANACLES
  • François Poirier -- the vice-president of SAES
  • The moderator will be Dennis Davy, a lecturer, teacher trainer and researcher at the University of London Institute in Paris.

Vera Dickman, head of the language department at Telecom ParisTech, also lead an informative discussion on the background of the concours system.In addition to the panel speakers, representatives of teaching associations spoke from the floor followed by a Panel-to-Representative discussion.

The final part of the event was devoted to the Panel answering questions from the floor.

Role of the Organizers, Associates, and Panel Speakers

The organizers from TESOL France and their associates from APLIUT, RANACLES and SAES did not take a position on the concours system. Mr. Quayle's views were in no way representative of the views of the agrégation externe jury. Their role was limited to facilitating the discussion and ensuring that the discussion was equitable and that all sides of the argument were equally represented.

Panel Speaker Biographies
Alain Cazade
Alain Cazade is a professor at the University of Paris Dauphine. He passed the CAPES and the Agrégation in English in 1974, and obtained a PhD in Contemporary Poetry (David Jones, Poet of the Revelation) from the Sorbonne in 1984 and a Habilitation to direct research (Research-Development in Language Multimedia Pedagogy). After directing the Training Centre for Computer Science Pedagogy at the Academy of Créteil at the University of Paris 13, he sold multimedia pedagogical language software: "Help Yourself" to the Ministry of Education. Author of a management tool: "Following Language Learners" and numerous publications (articles, reviews, etc), Alain Cazade was also a member of the CNU (Conseil National des Universités) for several years. As a specialist in language pedagogy, languages for specific purposes (LANSAD: Languages for Specialists of Other Disciplines), an analyst for corpora for specific purposes, he is involved in and is a member of several research centres including CERLACA and CICLaS at the University of Paris Dauphine in bringing together the DILTEC of University of Paris 3 Sorbonne. As the president of RANACLES, Mr. Cazade is also the joint director of the "Master of Languages for Specific Purposes" at the University of Bordeaux 2 - Dauphine, researcher and developer of multimedia pedagogical language materials, and designer and writer of the software for Windows: "Help Yourself."

Pierre Coatrieux
After taking a licence and maîtrise in English, Pierre Coatrieux studied for the CAPES and Agrégation d'anglais at the University of Paris Sorbonne. Instead of pursuing an academic career, he went on to take an accounting qualification and worked in several international companies, most recently Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young, where his clients were multinational companies with branches or subsidiaries in France. He now works as a Financial and Organizational Consultant advising companies looking to expand outside France.

Dennis Davy
Since 1993, Dennis Davy has been a lecturer, teacher trainer and researcher at the University of London Institute in Paris, formerly known as the British Institute in Paris. Dennis studied French and German at Oxford University, English Language Teaching at Lancaster and English and Applied Linguistics at Cambridge. His professional career in TEFL spans more than 25 years, teaching English and training teachers in Europe, the Far East, North Africa and the Middle East. His research interests include lexicology, language testing/evaluation, the teaching of spelling, the role of pop music in language learning, language teacher education and English for Special Purposes. Dennis has published articles on the British education system, lexical learning and word-formational processes in English, as well as running practical workshops on a wide variety of topics and giving lectures and papers at conferences and colloquia. His most recent paper, entitled "Comment évaluer la compétence lexicale ?", was presented at the Collège de France. He has worked on the editorial committee of the academic journal "Franco-British Studies" and was involved in the organisation of an international colloquium on Second Person Pronouns, hosted by the Forum des Langues Européennes à Paris.

Marie-Annick Mattioli
Since 2001 Marie-Annick Mattioli has been an active member of the APLIUT (association of language teachers in IUTs), of which she now is the president. She teaches English at the IUT Paris Descartes as a lecturer. Her research essentially concerns women on the job market in Britain and the introduction of the identity card in Britain (history + repercussions on ethnic as well as sexual minorities).

François Poirier
François Poirier was educated in Paris, graduated at the Sorbonne in 1968 and passed the "CAPES" in 1970 and the "agrégation" in 1971, which gave him a tenure as a secondary school teacher. Associated from its inception during the summer of 1968 with the experimental university of Vincennes (now Université Paris 8, in Saint-Denis), he was appointed lecturer there in 1976 and moved to a professorship at neighbouring Université Paris 13 in 1993. Though heavily involved in the organisation of European exchange programmes, he has published extensively in academic journals on issues related to British labour history and British politics, leading up to a book in 1992, Génération Thatcher Ñ La culture politique de l'Angleterre, and to his habilitation thesis in 1993, Aspects de la conscience ouvrière en Angleterre depuis la Réforme de 1832. He has at the same time developed a comparative dimension so as to critically take into account the cultural bias of any national approach and contributed in France as well as in Britain to general publications on comparing the two countries (such as "La Grande-Bretagne et la France: un long face-à-face", pp. 35-110 in France Grande-Bretagne, Paris: Ministère des Affaires étrangères, April 1996 (2nd edn), 144 p.) or to more specific ones on social policy (such as "Liberty, Property and Community", pp. 77-89 in John EDWARDS et Jean-Paul REVAUGER (eds.), Discourse on Inequality in France and Britain, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1998, xii+208 p.) or politics (e.g. "General Election 1992: A French Republican View", pp. 669-682 in Parliamentary Affairs, vol. 45, n¡ 4, October 1992; "Le Parti travailliste britannique: grandeur et décadence", pp. 55-89 in Marc LAZAR (ed.), La Gauche en Europe depuis 1945. Invariants et mutations du socialisme européen, Paris: PUF, 1996, 704 p.).

Nigel Quayle
Professeur Des Universités
Ecole Centrale de Lille

After qualifying to teach and a period as a French teacher in secondary schools in the UK, Nigel Quayle worked his way up through the French system, first as a student and then as a teacher of the CAPES and the Agrégation d'anglais. He has sat on the jury for the CAPES externe and the Agrégation interne and is currently a member of the jury for the Agrégation externe.

Laurel Zuckerman
Laurel Zuckerman first became widely known after publication of her controversial French "docu-fiction" Sorbonne Confidential (Fayard, 2007), an account of an American trying to obtain the agrégation in order to become an English teacher in the French public education system. Juxtaposing statistics and anecdotes, Zuckerman explores the competitive exam industry and its impact on the teaching and learning of English in France. The book's wickedly comic portrait of the system has generated considerable debate.
Originally from Arizona, Zuckerman has a BA in "liberal arts" (phi beta kappa) and is a graduate of the HEC School of Management. After working for 18 years in logistics and information technology, she decided, like her fictional heroine Alice Wunderland, to try to become an English teacher by passing the agrégation d'anglais. Married, with two children in French public schools, Zuckerman lives in Bry-sur-Marne, France and is a member of the local city council. Her second book is slated to appear in French in October 2008.

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