Past Events

14 October 2017 : Language Syllabus Design

Time: 1p.m.
Speaker: Peter Strutt
Venue: Wall street Institute Strasbourg
Registration: TBD


About the Workshop

At some stage in their career, language teachers will get involved in planning a course programme, whether in a large institution for a course taught over a significant length of time, or for a course geared towards the needs of a specific group of learners during an intensive. Choices of syllabus can range from the more or less purely linguistic, where the grammatical and lexical forms of the language constitute the content of instruction, to the more or less purely task-based where the emphasis is on some real-world or simulated real-world outcome with the overt teaching of language taking the back seat or being dealt with as an outcome of the task performance itself.
Whatever the situation, the principles of syllabus design will come into play. In this talk I will discuss the types of syllabus that are possible together with their strengths and weaknesses and introduce some practical ideas on how to design a coherent syllabus that takes into account the context and wishes of the various stakeholders involved.
About the Speaker 

Peter has spent most of his career in France and until 2008 was employed as a lecturer at the University of London Institute in Paris. Subsequently, he has taught technical translation for the automotive industry in India and run intensive courses at the École nationale de la magistrature and the École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Économique, the Collège de France and the École normale supérieure. He also works as a tutor on the DELTA teacher training course run in both distance and face-to-face mode with The ELT Hub, Strasbourg.

****************UPDATE: THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED!******************
​10 June 2017: The Flipped Classroom

Time: 2 pm - 5 pm
Theme:  The Flipped Classroom
Speaker:  Dr. Christel Broady, Professor and  director of ESL Programmes  Georgetown College Kentucky
Venue: Wall Street Institute, 5 place du Corbeau, Strasbourg
Nearest tram stop: Porte de l’hopital
Registration: In person on day of the event.

This event is FREE to TESOL France members.  Non-member registration fee is €8. Please bring exact change. If you like, joining TESOL France, €49 (or renewing your membership), the payment will be possible on the day.
IMPORTANT: Before you join, or renew please be sure to fill out the Members Registration Form on our website, before you come to the workshop.

****************UPDATE: THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED!******************

13 May 2017: Classroom management and curriculum development

Time: 2 pm - 5 pm
Theme:  Classroom management  and curriculum development
Speaker:  Dr. Stefan Garel
Venue: Ecole Grandjean, 8 rue de Londres, Strasbourg. Tram 'Esplanade'
Register on the day of event. This event is FREE to TESOL France members. Non-member registration fee: €8. Please bring exact change.

Topics include:
  • How to manage a large group of students
  • Activities for a multilevel  class
  • Discipline issues
  • What to do when your lesson plan goes  wrong
  • What  to do when students are not paying attention
  • Engagement of low level learners and high fliers
  • Tips on engaging all  students
  • How to develop a curriculum that is  right for your students
  • Adapting the curriculum
  • Preparing  a curriculum when the students have deadlines or  public exams

What you’ll gain:
  • Greater awareness of all the different dynamics that present in the classroom and you will have some concrete solutions to apply to issues that arise.
  • A box of tools at your fingertips that you will be able to start using immediately!
  • Ability to develop a curriculum whether it be for 4 weeks or a year which will cover the material that is required for the students to learn but is presented indifferent ways so as to maintain student interest throughout.

About the speaker:
Stefan Garel has taught English in France and Germany for many years now. He has taught in secondary schools, universities, vocational schools, grande ecoles and in companies. Being a qualified teacher in the French state system, he is used to managing large classrooms. Over the years, he has put together some coping strategies which he will be sharing with you. He will also be talking about curriculum development as this is something that he has an interest in and has nurtured over several years.

Stefan is bilingual with a PhD from Exeter University UK. He is brimming with ideas and has a ludique style which should make the workshop all that more enjoyable. 

19 January 2017: English as a Lingua Franca and the ‘native speaker’ debate: practical classroom ideas for English teachers

Date: 19 January 2017
Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Venue  CCI 234  Avenue de Colmar 67100 Strasbourg
Theme: English as a Lingua Franca and the ‘native speaker’ debate: practical classroom ideas for English teachers
Speaker: Marek Kiczkowiak
This event is FREE to TESOL France members.
Non-member registration fee: €8. Please bring exact change.

About the workshop:
It is taken for granted that students prefer 'native speaker' teachers. It is also taken for granted that students prefer and should aspire to learn ‘native-like’ English. And as a result, the ‘native speaker’ is seen as not only a better language model, but also a better teacher. However, this really reflect our students’ language goals and needs?
We won't know until we ask them.
So in this 3-hour session we will discuss:
  1. English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) is and why it is important for ELT;
  2. Raising students’ awareness of the global nature of English;
  3. The myths concerning 'native' and 'non-native speaker’ teachers;
  4. Recruitment policies in ELT vs. the qualities and skills of effective teachers;
  5. Teaching pronunciation and how we can help learners be more intelligible in international settings;
  6. Using non-native speakers as valid models of the English language;
  7. Adapting your course book to suit the ELF perspective
By the end of the session you will have a better understanding of ELF and its practical implications for ELT. You will learn how to help learners improve their pronunciation and why ‘non-native speakers’ can also be good models of the English language. You will also walk away with an array of ideas and classroom activities aiming to move towards a more lingua franca and international view of the English language. 

About the speaker:
Marek has taught English in 7 countries and currently works as an EAP lecturer in KU Leuven, Belgium. He holds a BA in English, CELTA, DELTA and is currently doing a PhD in TESOL. He co-authors ELT podcasts at and advocates professional equality between ‘native’ and ‘non-native speakers’ at He frequently presents at international conferences and gives teacher training sessions focusing on ELF and native speakerism. Apart from face-to-face sessions, he also delivers online courses at


Saturday, February 27, 2016: Practical tips for teaching Pronunciation

Facilitator: Roslyn Young
Date: Saturday 27th February, 2016
Time: 14:00 - 17:00
Venue: TBA
Download the programme of this event here.

Roslyn Young, author with Piers Messum of "How We Learn and How We Should be Taught"  (published by Duo Flamina, London 2011) will be coming to Strasbourg to hold a workshop on "Practical tips for teaching Pronunciation".  Please see the flyer attached and do print this out and pin it up in your staff room if you can or just send it on electronically to your colleagues.

To register, send us an email through the contact page (look for "Regions - Strasbourg" in the list).
This event is FREE to TESOL France members.
Non-member registration fee: €8. Please bring exact change.


Thursday, March 17, 2016: Language policies with Joanna Panthier

Date:  Thursday 17th March
Time: 6pm
VenueL ESPE, 141 ave. de Colmar

Joanna Panthier, Administrator of the Language Policy Unit at the Council of Europe, will be talking about what the language policy unit does and how it can help us. This is the unit that created the Common European Framework of References for Languages and this is a rare occasion for language teachers to come and question those who have  such an enormous impact on our how we work as language teachers.

To register, send us an email through the contact page (look for "Regions - Strasbourg" in the list).
This event is FREE to TESOL France members.
Non-member registration fee: €8. Please bring exact change.

Saturday, May 28th, 2016: How to use readers in the classroom

Date: Saturday 28th May
Time and location: TBA

Katie Cospito from Black Cat Publishers will be holding a workshop on how to use readers in the classroom.

We'd also like to find time for some more informal gatherings, particularly on the subject on the legislation that's taking effect this year. One subject we might start with a meeting on is the need for a quality label (ISO, AFNOR, OPQP ....) if you work with a Numéro de registration from DIRECCTE and you get funding from the OPCAs. Let me know if you'd like to get together on this just to compare notes.

To register, send us an email through the contact page (look for "Regions - Strasbourg" in the list).
This event is FREE to TESOL France members.
Non-member registration fee: €8. Please bring exact change.


TESOL France Strasbourg: How to sell yourself better as an English Language trainer

Decembre 5th 2015, 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Led by: Carol Bauser
Venue:  Ecole Grandjean, 8 rue de Londres, Strasbourg. 

TESOL France Strasbourg: How to set up your own business in France

May 23rd 2015, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Led by: Dobrina Ramphort

14, rue Sainte Elisabeth in the centre of Strasbourg.

Directions to the venue: 
Take the A tram and get off at "Porte de l'Hôpital". Walk two minutes back up to the river and along till you get to Place St Louis. You turn left there into rue Ste Elisabeth. The building at No 14 is called 'Marie Ste Reparatrice' and we'll have someone posted outside to guide you in.

Further information:
We are very pleased to welcome Dobrina Ramphort from Toulouse who will be running a workshop on how to set up your own business in France; whether to be an auto-entrepreneur or a micro-entreprise; the things to avoid and the things to take advantage of; and, finally, the impact of the reform on these two statuses. Dobrina's workshop will be held at the Pole Formation, 234 avenue de Colmar, 67021 Strasbourg.

Dobrina is a tax lawyer by profession. She advises foreigners on how to set up their own businesses in France and how to not be caught out by the paperwork. An exact descritpion of Dobrina's workshop will be circulated at a later date.

TESOL France Strasbourg: "The Réforme de la Formation, its impact on language training and why teachers should be concerned"

April 18th 2015, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Led by: Andrew Wickham
Pole Formation, 234 avenue de Colmar, 67021 Strasbourg

This event is FREE to TESOL France members.
Non-member registration fee: €8. Please bring exact change.

Further information:
The CPF, the CEP, the Entretien Professionnel, the new role of the OPCAs, the end of the Plan de Formation, the redefinition of the Acte de Formation, the FOAD : the 2015 reform of Formation Professionnelle, sounds terribly confusing, but it is not yet another fine-tuning of the system : this time it is a revolution in the way training is designed, funded, organised and delivered in France and will have wide-ranging consequences for language trainers. There are risks and a number of neat opportunities, for those willing to take the plunge and get informed.

This workshop will provide you with an overview of the reform, it’s causes, its uncertainties, its impact and consequences and will offer a number of suggestions allowing trainers to better adapt what they do and how they market themselves.

Workshop: Mentoring

March 14th 2015, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Led by: Yvonne Chappell
Pole Formation, 234 avenue de Colmar, 67021 Strasbourg

To register, send us an email through the contact page (look for "Regions - Strasbourg" in the list).

This event is FREE to TESOL France members.
Non-member registration fee: €8. Please bring exact change.

Further information:

Are you a new teacher in France ? Would you like help in knowing where to go for materials and resources? Are you interested in knowing about what qualifications there are that you could consider taking? Do you want to know what organizations employ English teachers? OR From time to time would you just like to talk to someone about teaching?

TESOL France in Strasbourg is starting a mentoring scheme and if you would like to be a mentee why not come along to our next workshop on the 14th March to find out more.

Alternatively are you an experienced teacher who would not mind giving a helping hand in the above areas to a new teacher? Would you consider being a mentor?

This scheme is often run in the business world and is felt to be of advantage to both mentor and mentee; the mentee learns from a more experienced colleague and the mentor can consolidate and reflect on his or her experience. Of course it looks good on the CV.

The exact mechanisms of how it would work would be worked out between the two parties and no one would expect another person to do or give more than they are able.

I see this as a real push to improve the image of English teaching in France and at the moment we could all benefit from this!

It would be helpful if you could contact me, Jane Ryder, beforehand (through the contact page (look for "Regions - Strasbourg" in the list), and let me know whether you are interested in being a mentee or a mentor. Please email me if you'd like to come along on the 14th March and which role you are potentially interested in.

Workshop: "The Réforme de la Formation, its impact on language training and why teachers should be concerned"

April 18th 2015, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Led by: Andrew Wickham
Pole Formation, 234 avenue de Colmar, 67021 Strasbourg

To register, send us an email through the contact page (look for "Regions - Strasbourg" in the list).
This event is FREE to TESOL France members.
Non-member registration fee: €8. Please bring exact change.

Further information:

The CPF, the CEP, the Entretien Professionnel, the new role of the OPCAs, the end of the Plan de Formation, the redefinition of the Acte de Formation, the FOAD : the 2015 reform of Formation Professionnelle, sounds terribly confusing, but it is not yet another fine-tuning of the system : this time it is a revolution in the way training is designed, funded, organised and delivered in France and will have wide-ranging consequences for language trainers. There are risks and a number of neat opportunities, for those willing to take the plunge and get informed.

This workshop will provide you with an overview of the reform, it’s causes, its uncertainties, its impact and consequences and will offer a number of suggestions allowing trainers to better adapt what they do and how they market themselves.

Andrew has had a variety of roles in the language training business - a former language trainer, director of studies and language school founder and manager, he has also directed large blended learning projects, run the language training centre of a major multinational and carried out a variety of consultancy assignments for schools, companies and institutions. He is also the author of “Le Marché de la Formation Langues à l’heure de la Mondialisation”, a market study that has become the reference for the profession in France. He is particularly concerned by the challenges faced by teachers in a market that is becoming industrialised and technology oriented.

Workshop: "How to set up your own business in France"

May 23rd 2015, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Led by: Dobrina Ramphort
Pole Formation, 234 avenue de Colmar, 67021 Strasbourg

To register, send us an email through the contact page (look for "Regions - Strasbourg" in the list).
This event is FREE to TESOL France members.
Non-member registration fee: €8. Please bring exact change.

Further information:

We are very pleased to welcome Dobrina Ramphort from Toulouse who will be running a workshop on how to set up your own business in France; whether to be an auto-entrepreneur or a micro-entreprise; the things to avoid and the things to take advantage of; and, finally, the impact of the reform on these two statuses. Dobrina's workshop will be held at the Pole Formation, 234 avenue de Colmar, 67021 Strasbourg.

Dobrina is a tax lawyer by profession. She advises foreigners on how to set up their own businesses in France and how to not be caught out by the paperwork. An exact descritpion of Dobrina's workshop will be circulated at a later date.


Moodling Along

December 1st, 2012 - 1:30 pm
Pole Formation, 234 av de Colmar, Strasbourg
With your laptop.

Swap Shop in Strasbourg!

October 13th, 2012. 13:30-15:30
Organized by Hal d'Arpini
Pole Formation, 234 avenue de Colmar, Strasbourg

Sustainable Teaching: Developing reusable and recyclable EFL materials / lessons

June 30th 2012 - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Pole Formation CCI, Strasbourg,
A workshop presented by Colleen Brown

Selling Yourself in the Changing ELT Market

December 10th, 2011
Pole Formation CCI, Strasbourg
Run by: Jane Ryder
Speaker: Bethany Cagnol

Further information:
Presented by Bethany Cagnol (TESOL France President) and Mike Hogan (BESIG).

In this discussion-format seminar, Bethany and Mike will share their advice on how teachers can best market themselves in the changing ELT climate:
  • Basic advice on marketing yourself
  • Creating and maintaining an online presence
  • User-friendly websites for displaying your skills and services
  • Communicating and selling your services to prospective clients
Bethany Cagnol has an MA in Teaching Second and Foreign Languages from the University of London Institute in Paris and is the current president of TESOL France and Treasurer of IATEFL BESIG. Bethany teaches at several institutions in Paris, mainly those in the higher education and adult business and ESP sectors. She owns two freelance companies for language training, materials design and project management.
With over 10 years experience in business English communication and intercultural skills training Mike Hogan currently has a leading and strategic business development role at LTC GmbH, a nationwide training provider in Germany, in the development and implementation of new training concepts for corporate clients. In addition, he gives training and coaching in 1-1 and small group sessions, is a BOT member (BESIG Online Team) and ELT Business English author.

Drama Techniques in the Classroom

May 14th, 2011 - 1:30pm-3:30pm
Pole Formation CCI, Strasbourg
by Martin Wright, Theatre Director


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