Past Events

27 January 2018: TECH DAY Full Day Workshop

Tech Day Toulouse 2018 

Time:  8.30am - 3.30pm
Speaker: Daniel Kelly
Venue: Université Toulouse Capitole 1 - Manufacture des Tabacs Campus
Fee: €8 (payment by cheque only on the day); free for TESOL France members

About the Workshop
We are delighted to invite you to the first event of the year. As the name suggests, this will be an all-day event on the theme of technology. We aim to:
• empower you in the making of informed choices about technology and your teaching
• show you new tools, techniques and activity ideas
• give you hands-on experience of adapting these tools to your own teaching environment

9.00am   Registration and coffee in MQ209 (there'll be signs up)
9.30        Questions to ask yourself when encountering new technology
9.45        20 minute talks on...
• Class polling and quizzes using student devices
• The Tablet as a Teacher's best friend (bring you tablet for this one!)
• Corpora and On-line resources
• Twine – an open source tool for telling non-linear, interactive stories
• Check your smile - a game-based vocabulary learning collaborative website
• and more...
12.30      Lunch. Bring your own, or get something locally – we'll help you find somewhere.
13.30      Informal workshop session in a computer lab (ME202)
to 15.30         • try out the tools seen in the morning
• presenters on hand to guide you
• take away knowledge and skills relevant to your teaching environment


All TESOL France workshops are free for members and 8 euros for non-members.
If you would like to join TESOL France or renew your membership, fill out your membership form before the event here.


If you have renewed your membership or signed up as a new member recently and have selected the “Pay by cheque or cash onsite” payment option on the website, we can process your payment and validate your membership at the workshop.

Questions? Write to 'Regions Toulouse' through the Contact form on our website or via email at  The regional coordinator will reply to your email.


The Toulouse TOEFL Propell event is cancelled because the trainer from ETS is unwell. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused and are trying to contact all the participants directly to let them know. The event has proved very popular and we will re-schedule it later on in the year. Thank you very much for your understanding.

TESOL France Toulouse:  Do you teach students for the ETS TOEFL IBT or TOEIC exams? Do you think you'll need to in the future? Would you like the low-down on how to prepare your students for them? Then read on...!

TESOL France Toulouse, in partnership with ETS, is hosting a full-day Propell® TOEFL IBT workshop in February. NB This workshop will be limited to a maximum of 24 participants.
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Cost: €15 non-members and €8 members, including a contribution to lunch + coffee breaks (TESOL can provide a receipt of payment)
Venue: central Toulouse

TESOL France ToulouseGET/TESOL get-together:
13 September 2016

Venue: Carson City restaurant on the Place Olivier in St Cyprien
Time: 6pm drinks, 7:30pm dinner

As summer comes into full swing, the Guild of English Teachers and TESOL France Toulouse are thinking ahead to when everyone comes back....and we thought we'd join forces!
Come and catch up with everyone after the holidays at the Carson City restaurant on the Place Olivier in St Cyprien on Tuesday 13th September.

Come for a drink around 6pm and/or stay for dinner from around 7.30pm - it's up to you!

All welcome! No event charge -  just pay for what you order.

To register, send an email to Rosemary through the contact page (look for "Regions - Toulouse" in the list).

We hope you have a great summer, and hope to see you back in Toulouse in September!

Nikki Wilkinson (GET) and Rosemary Bénard (TESOL France Toulouse)

TESOL France Toulouse workshop: June 4th, 2016. Webinar and guided discussion on Using the Common Framework of Reference in your teaching and assessment

TESOL France Toulouse will hold its last event of the year on Sat 4th June on this suitably assessment-orientated theme, moderated by Rosemary Bénard.

Date + Time: Sat 4th June: registration opens 9.00am, event starts 9.30am, finishing at 12.30pm
Venue: usual venue, central Toulouse (more details provided when you register)
Deadline for registrations: Fri 3rd June (required).
To register, send an email to Rosemary through the contact page (look for "Regions - Toulouse" in the list).
Nibbles and tea/coffee are provided, and there's the possibility of continuing the chat in the local crêperie for lunch.

Please register in advance of the event, and bring a form of ID with you to show at the entrance to the venue.

This event is FREE to TESOL France members.
Non-member registration fee: €8. Please bring exact change.
If you like, joining TESOL France, €49 (or renewing your membership) will be possible on the day.
IMPORTANT: Before you join, or renew please be sure to fill out the Members Registration Form on our website, before you come to the workshop. The link to join or renew membership is:

TESOL France Toulouse: April 9th, 2016. Graded Readers & Videos

TESOL France Toulouse is pleased to announce our forthcoming event with Katie Cóspito of Black Cat books on Saturday April 9th. Katie will be giving two workshops: one on graded readers, and the other on using film and video clips.

Registration opens at 9am and the event will begin at 9.30am, finishing at 12.30pm.
Venue: central Toulouse (please contact the Toulouse coordinator for the address)
To register, send us an email to Rosemary through the contact page (look for "Regions - Toulouse" in the list).
Workshop and Speaker Details:
Katie Cóspito is a teacher, teacher trainer, and the representative for Black Cat books in France.  She invites you to come discover the world of graded readers and their multiple, varied uses in the classroom.  If video clips are more your style, she will also be speaking about how to get your students speaking, writing and listening through film and video clips.

Click here to find out what the TESOL France Grenoble participants thought of this workshop in January 2016!


Toulouse Spring Workshop – supported by TESOL France

April 4th 2015, 9:30am - 12:30pm
Université de Toulouse - Manufacture des Tabacs Campus: Allée de Brienne, Building Q Room 20.

This event is FREE to all participants!

RSVP by Friday 3rd April:
To register, send us an email through the contact page (look for "Regions - Toulouse" in the list).

Further information:
We are very pleased to welcome Karen Pettini, who will be sharing her interactive vocabulary and grammar ideas for teens and beyond, following her successful talk at the TESOL France Spring Day in 2014.

A teaching challenge shared is a challenge halved! Kate Kleinworth (previous TESOL France Toulouse co-ordinator) will be hosting an exchange session where you’ll have a chance to share ideas and find a fresh approach to your current teaching challenges.

Finally, the President of TESOL France, Debbie West, will be joining us from Paris to talk about the latest news from the national organization.

Harassment at Work - What it is and How to Deal with it

June 16th 2012 at 9:30am
Venue: Universite de Toulouse 1, Campus: la manufacture des tabacs, Building Q, 2nd Floor, Room MQ209
A workshop presented by Mick Flynn

TESOL France Toulouse Mini-Conference

March 31, 2012. 9:00 - 16:00
Université de Toulouse 1, Capitole Campus Manufacture des tabacs, Bldg Q, Room MQ209

The First TESOL France Toulouse Event!

October 8th, 2011 - 9am - 4pm
Universite de Toulouse 1, Capitole Campus: Manufacture des tabacs, Bldg. Q, Room MQ209
Speakers: Lola Mascarenhas, Gail Taillefer and Bethany Cagnol

Further Information:

Organized by: Shahada Reardon, coordinator of TESOL France Toulouse.
Guest speakers: Lola Mascarenhas, Gail Taillefer and Bethany Cagnol

9:00 - 9:45 Registration
9:45 - 10:30 The Importance of Role Play in Teaching Foreign Language and Foreign Culture: Lola Mascarenhas (Est. Scolaire Le Caousou)
10:30 - 11:15 Madame, je suis nul(le) en anglais, mais... les Français sont mauvais en langues. And so? Gail Taillefer (Universite de Toulouse 1)
11:15 - 11:45 Break and Announcements (Annual Colloquium in Paris: 4-6 November.)
11:45 - 12:30 Independents' Day: Bethany Cagnol (President of TESOL France)
12:30 - 14:00 Break for Lunch (there are many possibilities near the campus)
14:00 - 16:00 Lesson Plan Sharing (Call for Lesson Plans, see below)

Please RSVP!

Call for lesson plans presenters: We are looking for FIVE teachers to share lessons plans on Oct. 8th (10 min. presentation of your lesson plan, we are equipped with a projector). If you are interested please send your lesson plan idea by Monday Sept 26th. (If you need to be inspired, have a look at the /attached list of suggestions. You may choose from this list or propose another idea.)

Volunteers: We are also looking for volunteers to help in various ways (registration, refreshments and distribution of promotional posters, flyers). If you are interested please mention so in your RSVP. Our volunteers are the /arms and legs of TESOL France Toulouse. We can't get anything done without you!

23 rue Nollet - 75017 PARIS
See map - Email us
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