An Unforeseen Teaching Achievement

By Annie Gresle

As a French teacher of English, I started in the profession way back in 1968. At that time, I was not sure I wanted to teach, since this occupation has been a running one in my family and like every youngster, I wanted to be different. I just felt I enjoyed speaking and reading English. I had no idea that any professional association existed. As I soon became the mother of young children, I opted for teaching in junior high schools where preparation and marking times are shorter. Then the children grew up and my husband finished his Ph.D., so I felt I could think about my own professional development. As a member of French ‘Education Nationale’, I began attending training sessions to improve my skills and knowledge, then I sat for a competitive exam called ‘Agrégation’ to get a higher degree in the profession. At the same time, I became involved in changes concerning oral tests for the equivalent of a two-year college final exam. That was the beginning of a real developing career. Then, by chance, I met representatives of TESOL France at Expolangues (a language trade fair in Paris). They happened to be organizing SIGs (Special Interest Groups) about video, which was exactly my idea about modifying the aforementioned oral test. From then on, I became involved in TESOL France, was its president in 2002 and then again in 2004 and 2005, went to the Convention in Salt Lake City, became a teacher trainer, got the highest possible degree in the secondary French teaching system, some publishers even asked me to write short books. Thus now, on the eve of my retirement, I am feeling happier about my career development than I ever thought I would be.

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