Colloquium Frequently Asked Questions (for Telecom)

Got a question? We've probably answered it here. If you don't find the answer you are looking for, please feel free to contact us.

Attending the Colloquium

Who can attend the Annual Colloquium? Do I need to be a TESOL France member?
The Colloquium is open to everyone! Members and non-members. Just register in advance online.

For members
: The Colloquium fee is included in your membership fee. To register for the Colloquium, please click here and follow the instructions. You will be prompted to connect to the Members section and if you need to renew your membership, you will be invited to do so...

For non-members WHO DON'T WANT TO BECOME MEMBERS: please click here to register for the Colloquium (by filling in the form situated at the bottom of the page). You will pay the 75€ Colloquium fee (30€ for speakers or poster presenters, or 29€ for students, retired and unemployed individuals with photocopy of proof of status). 

For non-members WHO WANT TO BECOME MEMBERS: please click here to register as a member (you will be able to make your Colloquium registration in the same process with no additional Colloquium fee.
What is included in the Colloquium?
  • Entrance to all conference workshops, talks and presentations
  • Coffee breaks
  • Cocktails and/or lunch on Friday and Saturday.
  • Conference information package, including programme
  • Your own copy of the TESOL France Magazine, The Teaching Times
  • Extensive opportunities to meet publishers
  • Plenty of networking possibilities
  • Participation in the prize draw at the Closing Ceremony.

What are the Colloquium registration fees?
0€ -  All current members, guests, up to 2 stand representatives per publisher, and plenaries.
53€ for the delegates who want to become members. 
75€ for non-members. 
29€ for students, retired and unemployed individuals (a photocopy of the proof of this status is absolutely required upon arriving at the Colloquium otherwise you will be charged 53€. We are unable to make any exceptions).  
30€ -  All speakers and poster presenters. This does NOT include membership to TESOL France. If you are a speaker and wish to join TESOL France you will be charged 53€.

TESOL France is not able to reimburse speaker fees or registration fees for speakers and delegates cancelling their participation. Thank you for your understanding.

How do I pay the registration fee?
You can pay your Colloquium attendance fee by
1. Online payment (advised)
2. Cash or cheque drawn from a French bank at the door (only option for reduced rate)

NEW! We accept online credit card payments and we encourage you to use this type of payment.
Wire transfers for the colloqiuml attendance are no longer possible. If you have received an invoice or request for payment from TESOL France for institutional membership, stand booking or sponsorship, our bank details will be sent to you by the Treasurer. When making the wire transfer, please be sure to include the Invoice Number, Membership Number and/or your name on the wire transfer form.
Payment by cash or a cheque drawn from a French bank will be possible at the door.
If you choose to pay the reduced fee, we will ask you to present a proof of status (Student Card, Unemplyment Card, ID for retired persons) at the door and you can only use the cash or cheqeu payment method.

How do I register?
  • Use the online form on the Colloquium website. This is usually available in June.
  • New member?  Please also fill out the membership form. 
  • Renewing member?  Please log in to the Members Section of our website (top, left-hand side of the page) and click "renew" before attending the Colloquium.

Are any of the sessions recorded?
Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to record any of the talks and put them online. 

Where can I get transcripts of the talks?
Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to produce transcripts of any of the talks.

Where can I get the slides from the conference?
When you attend the conference, we suggest you approach the speakers directly to ask if they can send you their slides.  Unfortunately, TESOL France does not have the resources to collect all of the slide presentations of the presenters and send them to the participants or put them online.

Why is there no participants list in the printed programme?
While we had this feature in the past, we have decided to remove it from the printed programme after abuse with the emails addresses and spamming from unauthorized institutions.  If you wish to contact any participants or speakers we suggest you collect their information at the event.

Submitting a Proposal

How can I submit a speaker proposal?
At the beginning of each year, we open the Call for Papers online form. Everyone is invited to submit a proposal to speak at the Colloquium. The deadline for proposals is May 31st. We're sorry, but we cannot accept proposals after this date.

What does TESOL France ask for in the Speaker proposal?
TESOL France is slightly different from other conferences in that we ask prospective speakers to submit both an abstract and a summary for their talks.

Title: If your talk is accepted, your title will appear in the printed programme followed by your name. Please keep your titles to 10 words or less. Please bear in mind that many delegates choose their talks based on the title alone, so it’s very important that the title you choose tells the delegates what to expect.

Abstract: An abstract is a brief description of your talk, that, if accepted, will appear in the printed programme.

Summary: The summary is a longer text, still about your talk, but gives the committee more information about what you will do and present to the delegates. Your abstract should not be copied and pasted into the summary.

Bio: Due to limitations on the number of pages in the printed programme, TESOL France no longer asks for speaker bios. Therefore, there is no need to send us one.

Can I submit more than one proposal?
You may, but if accepted as a speaker, only one will be chosen.

Does TESOL France accept research talks?
A frequent criticism is that sessions are too theoretical and that the speaker does not consider practical implications for their talks. TESOL France welcomes talk that are based on research and make clear ties to classroom techniques and activities, however, we tend to reject talks that merely present research findings. If you would like to present your research findings, we warmly invite you to submit a Poster Proposal.

Are you promoting a book or a product?
Delegates have expressed disappointment that a session they attended based on the description in the abstract turns out to be an advertisement for a publication, product, or course. Please be sure to include as much practical classroom information as possible when presenting the product. Based on your proposal and abstract, TESOL France reserves the right to mention in the printed programme if your talk is for promotional purposes.

What is the deadline for speaker and poster proposals?
May 31st.

Will my proposal be automatically accepted?
Sorry, no. TESOL France will send all of the abstracts to a Proposals Committee who will conduct a blind review the titles, abstracts and summarys (meaning without the names of the speakers included). They will select the proposals to include in the conference. This process could take a least a month and a half (we're all volunteers!). Your patience is greatly appreciated.

My presentation was accepted. Now what?

Where can I register for the conference?
The online registration form can be found on the Colloquium website. This is usually available around August or September. 

Are you an experienced or first-time speaker?
Speaker quality is frequently mentioned on TESOL France feedback forms. While we want to give every opportunity to all speaker styles, both the inexperienced and ‘veterans’, we hope that you will adopt the public speaking skills that will make your talk as engaging as possible. We would also ask that you stick to your allocated time to allow delegates to get to the next talk on time and to give the technicians adequate time to help set up the next speaker. May we suggest discussions can be continued during the lunch period or during some of the longer breaks over a coffee.

How long are TESOL France Colloquium Presentations?
All accepted speakers are given time slots that last 60 minutes. We ask that you respect this time limit and end your talk on time.

Can I have a timeslot that is longer than 60 minutes.
Due to venue and scheduling constaints, we are unable to grant speakers longer than 60 minutes for their talk.

Do I have to submit a transcript or my slides in advance?
No.  This is not required.

What's the typical TESOL France audience like?
  • The majority of the attendees in the past have been native speakers of English, though TESOL France is working hard to attract non-native-speaker teachers of English to our events as well.
  • Defining jargon and acronyms during a talk is appreciated, but most attendees will have decades of experience both in ELT and beyond.
  • Most will be teachers in the adult private sector and at university, though talks on Young Learners have been very well received.
  • There will be a fair mix of descriptive and prescriptive views.
  • TESOL France attendees love a bit of debate and can be a very active audience.

What equipment is available in the rooms?
All the rooms listed below have:
High-speed internet (with ethernet cable) connection. We're sorry but wifi access can't be guarenteed.
A whiteboard with markers
A projector with VGA cable attached
CD / DVD player

Do I have to bring my laptop with me?
Yes. Most of the rooms work with an iPad however, we strongly recommend you bring your laptop with you as well. If you bring an Apple computer, please bring the necessary adapters.

Is there Internet available in the rooms?
Each room is equipped with a high-speed internet connection through the school's ethernet cable connection which can be used by speakers. The cable is provided by the school (but Apple computer users must bring their own USB adapter for the ethernet cable connection). There is no code necessary. Simply plug in the ethernet cable connection and it should work within a minute. The organizers try to arrange for wifi access for delegates, however, previous years have shown that it isn't always reliable. We're sorry in advance for any inconvenience with the wifi.

What do the conference rooms look like?

                       Thevenin                                                            Estaunie

                         B312                                                                      B310

                            B316                                                                Opale

                            Rubis                                                              Saphir

                            Jade                                                               Emeraude

23 rue Nollet - 75017 PARIS
See map - Email us
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